The BACB provides the following resources for behavior analyst licensure boards and those pursuing behavior analyst licensure legislation.

Resources for Proposed Licensure Bills and Regulations

The Association of Professional Behavior Analysts (APBA) provides a Model Licensure Act that is the recommended foundation for any behavior analyst licensure law. Each government has a unique legislative process and there is a great deal of variability in how professionals may be regulated. Contacting APBA and the BACB early in the process will help ensure that the proposed regulatory system is consistent with current BACB standards and that any proposed title use does not infringe upon the BACB’s registered trademarks.

Draft bills, regulations, and amendments may be sent through the Regulatory Contact Form for review and feedback.

Licensure Exchange Listserv

The Licensure Exchange is a private mailing list for behavior analyst regulators. Access to the listserv is available only to a member or administrator of a behavior analyst regulatory board or agency and can be requested through the Regulatory Contact Form. The listserv provides the following:

  • An opportunity for behavior analyst regulators from different areas to correspond with each other and the BACB on issues relevant to the regulation of behavior analysts
  • An opportunity for behavior analyst regulators to coordinate directly with BACB staff on disciplinary matters and reporting processes
  • An opportunity for behavior analyst regulators to be updated on BACB processes and changes

Mass Email Service

The BACB’s Mass Email Service may be used to notify BACB certificants of pending legislation, regulations, or procedures relating to government regulation of behavior analysts. Such requests must be submitted by one of the following:

  • the president, chair, or executive director/officer of the regulatory board or agency
  • the president, chair, executive director, or policy director of a behavior analyst professional association in a state or province where legislation is proposed, pending, or has been enacted


Documents for Regulatory Reviews

The following documents on the BACB and its certification programs may be useful in periodic regulatory reviews (e.g., sunrise, sunset).

BACB Fact Sheet

The Integrity of the BACB and its Certification Programs

Training Opportunities

The BACB works with regulators to facilitate representation of behavior analyst regulators at national forums for licensed professions. Complete the Regulatory Contact Form for additional information about training resources that may be available to members and representatives of a behavior analyst regulatory board or agency.

Verification of BACB Certificant Status and Disciplinary Information

The BACB offers the BCBA/BCaBA and RBT registries as the primary methods for obtaining publicly available information about a BACB certificant. The certificant’s location, certification level, certification number, status, recertification and expiration dates, and supervisor information are displayed along with a notice of whether the certificant is subject to a publishable disciplinary sanction. Disciplinary information is also available.

Upcoming Changes to BACB Requirements

Recent and upcoming changes to BACB certification requirements are published. Complete the Regulatory Contact Form for assistance in incorporating these changes into proposed and existing legislation, laws, and regulations.

Regulatory Contact Form